Here you can find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
Top 5:
When can I expect to see results with ZZ-Cremen?
It varies enormously from person to person how quickly the results appear. For the vast majority, an improvement can already be seen within 7 to 14 days, while for some, it can take up to 30 days. It is important to be aware that a short-term worsening may occur before a drastic improvement. This is completely normal and is known as the cleansing phase, where the skin adjusts.
Can ZZ-Cremen help my skin problem?
Overall, we have very good experiences with ZZ-Cremen against rosacea, acne and perioral dermatitis. Nevertheless, not all occurrences are easy to divide into these boxes, and there are also different types of the individual disorders. Therefore, we greatly appreciate submitted before/after photos, which can be displayed on the product page for the benefit of others in similar situations.
If you can't recognize your problem among the pictures, just contact us at kontakt@nimoskin.dk or through our other channels. Then we will help you as best we can.
My ZZ-Creme is not filled to the brim. Has an error occurred?
It is completely understandable that you are surprised that the product you received is not fully filled. There is actually a very good reason for this:
When the product is filled, a small amount of air is deliberately left in the packaging. This is not a sign that product is missing, but a necessary measure to protect product quality and integrity. The air acts as a buffer, helping to prevent the product from being damaged or leaking during transport, as well as ensuring it stays fresh and effective for longer by minimizing exposure to oxygen, which can speed up the breakdown of active ingredients.
We assure you that there is the specified amount in the bucket, even though it may appear as if something is 'missing'.
Help! My skin has gotten worse. Should I stop using ZZ-Cremen?
We understand that it can be unsettling and a little scary that the condition of the skin sometimes worsens at the beginning of the period of use.
Nevertheless, this is completely normal, and there are many who experience significant dryness, redness and tension in the skin after the first few days. This most often happens as a natural part of an adaptation period for the skin. Here it is important to arm yourself with patience and possibly supplement with a good moisturizer.
For good measure, we recommend that you apply a modest amount of the product to the back of your hand to ensure that the skin flare-up is not due to an allergic reaction. If this is not the case, you must finally continue with the cream - even if the skin currently looks worse 🫶
How quickly do you deliver?
If an order is placed before 14 during one weekday, it is expected to arrive within 1-2 weekdays.
Hvad er demodex-mider?
Demodex-mider er små mikroskopiske mider, der lever i hårsækkene og talgkirtlerne på menneskers hud. De er en normal del af hudens mikroflora og findes i større antal på ansigtet, især omkring næsen, kinderne, øjenbrynene og øjenvipperne. Disse mider fodrer sig med hudceller og talg, og selvom de generelt er harmløse, kan de i visse tilfælde bidrage til hudproblemer.
Forbindelsen mellem demodex-mider og rosacea er et område af omfattende igangværende forskning, men der er beviser, der tyder på, at miderne kan spille en rolle i udviklingen af denne hudtilstand. Disse beviser indikerer, at personer med rosacea synes at have en højere koncentration af demodex-mider på deres hud sammenlignet med personer uden denne tilstand.
Hvad er rosacea egentlig?
Rosacea er en vedvarende hudsygdom. Trods sit poetisk klingende navn dækker det over en reel sygdomstilstand, der kan fremkomme i adskillige udgaver. Den første type af rosacea viser sig ved tilbagevendende tilfælde af rødme (erythema). En anden type indebærer fremtrædende blodkar i ansigtet (couperose). Yderligere varianter af rosacea inkluderer udvikling af pustler eller hævelser. Den kan brede sig over hele ansigtet, inklusiv kinder, næse, hage og pande, hvilket understreger sygdommens omfattende karakter, og hvordan den kan påvirke den visuelle fremtoning.